Judah Waten. Fiction, Memoir, Criticism

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 14, 3 (1998)

Author(s) Judith O'Donnell Sackville AbstractBook Review: Judah Waten was born in Odessa, romantic city of music and thieves, in 1911. On the very eve of the First World War he migrated with his parents to Western Australia. They settled, not in Perth, but in Midland Junction, a small country town about a four to five hour horse and cart drive away. In every sense Midland Junction was a long, long way from Odessa. His mother was a revolutionary. His father was a dreamer. A luftmensch - a merchant who `traded in air' .
Judah Waten. Fiction, Memoir, Criticism
Judah Waten. Fiction, Memoir, Criticism