Letters from Australia 1854-1858

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 3 (1991)

Author(s) AbstractBook Review: Born in Vienna of Jewish parents, unfortunately, the introduction to the book does not make it clear whether he was literally 'baptised' Miska Hauser was a professional violinist who made a prolonged tour of New South Wales, Victoria and (what became) Queensland in the 1850s. He was clearly a gifted writer and a shrewd observer of people and events: it is difficult to suggest a set of published contemporary records which give a livelier or more graphic account of goldrush Australia than these remarkable letters, felicitously translated by Colin Roderick from the originals, which appeared in various Australian newspapers preserved in the National Library, Vienna.
Letters from Australia 1854-1858
Letters from Australia 1854-1858