The cousins. Descendants of Solomon and Caroline Phillips

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 11, 2 (1991)

Author(s) Louise Rosenberg AbstractBook Review: Since its inception in August 1938, the Australian Jewish Historical Society has been responsible for prolific research, recording, publishing of Australian Jewish history, and for the preservation of the community's contributions to the development of this part of the world, the stimulation of intense interest and the burgeoning pride in the Jewish ancestry of those whose original Judaism was formerly in danger of becoming lost. One family, although there have been many such has produced outstanding personalities generation after generation. The family is the one which began in 1782 when Moses and Deborah Levey married in England, although, we might easily go back two further generations prior to that when the marriage took place of Moses Levey's grandparents, Moses and Elizabeth Levy, in the mid-seventeenth century (when the name was spelt without the extra 'e').
The cousins. Descendants of Solomon and Caroline Phillips
The cousins. Descendants of Solomon and Caroline Phillips