A small price to pay. Refugees from Hitler in New Zealand 1936-46

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 7 (1989)

Author(s) Paul Bartrop AbstractBook Review: In less than 200 pages Ann Beaglehole has written a seminal work on the Nazi refugee crisis as it hit New Zealand, and in so doing has told a story which needed to be told and which adds substantially to our previous knowledge about the New Zealand contribution. The story she tells is, by and large, not a pretty one. The admission policy of the New Zealand government was niggardly, grudging and mean. While qualified Jews in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia were desperately applying for admission to any country which would take them, New Zealand hand-picked only those who could assimilate completely into Anglo-Saxon society.
A small price to pay. Refugees from Hitler in New Zealand 1936-46
A small price to pay. Refugees from Hitler in New Zealand 1936-46