We should've listened to grandma. Tracing women ancestors

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 10, 5 (1989)

Author(s) Morris Forbes AbstractBook Review: The colloquial title of this small handbook and its conversational style belie the serious and thorough research which has gone into compiling it. It is a comprehensive guide to all states' archives, genealogical records, public records, communal records, private records and ephemeral collections which a researcher can use to do the required detective work to trace women ancestors, who, for so long and in so many ways, have been "invisible" ancestors on family trees because they often appeared as adjuncts or chattels of men if they were not single, or, did not hold positions in their own right.
We should've listened to grandma. Tracing women ancestors
We should've listened to grandma. Tracing women ancestors