Daybook of service at the alter as lived by Samuel S Cohen (1888-1959)

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 9, 1 (1981)

Author(s) Raymond Apple AbstractBook Review: Samuel S. Cohon was a yeshivah bachur from Eastern Europe who became an American Reform Rabbi and for many years was Professor of Theology at the Hebrew Union College. He carried a heavy teaching load and was the mentor of his rabbinic students long after they had graduated. He was a sought-after preacher, speaker and lecturer and a prolific writer whose way with words was such that he was often called upon to draft important statements on behalf of the Reform movement and other American Jewish organisations.
Daybook of service at the alter as lived by Samuel S Cohen (1888-1959)
Daybook of service at the alter as lived by Samuel S Cohen (1888-1959)