Jemmy Green in Australia

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 4, 2 (1955)

Author(s) Sydney B. Glass AbstractBook Review; Dr. Roderick, in his very interesting annotations on Jemmy Green., has reported a number of versifiers who, in the Maitland area during the 'forties of last century, wrote ballads that were popularly acclaimed. Tucker, alias Rosenberg, a ticket-of-leave hired man who was under assignment in the area, was for good reason deprived of his ticket-of-leave and transferred to the harsher discipline of the penal settlement at Port Macquarie. Nevertheless, he was able to escape the harsh rigours of his sentence, and, with the connivance of an overseer who was interested in drama, he obtained the wherewithal and was given the leisure to compose Jemmy Green
Jemmy Green in Australia
Jemmy Green in Australia