The reason for the Macquarie Street Secession Part 2. The case from the York Street records

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 3, 1 (1949)

Author(s) Israel Porush AbstractThe preceding article by Sydney B. Glass, our worthy Secretary, presents the story of the congregational dissention in 1859, which led to the formation of the New Synagogue in Macquarie Street, chiefly from the record of one who may be regarded as a partisan in the conflict which ensued. The picture may, therefore, be somewhat coloured. Indeed, it will be seen from the following that the author of the letter reproduced in the preceding paper, Mr. P. J. Cohen, was unbenevolent in the presentation of the ease.
The reason for the Macquarie Street Secession Part 2. The case from the York Street records
The reason for the Macquarie Street Secession Part 2. The case from the York Street records