The early days of the Central Synagogue

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 2, 10 (1948)

Author(s) David Benjamin AbstractThe story of the birth of the Central Synagogue in Sydney could probably be paralleled in numerous cities of the Jewish New World. It is the chronicle of the efforts of a few enthusiasts who, by hard work and generous donations, built up a congregation which has become. one of Sydney's largest. As usual, the greater part. of the toil devolved upon a small group whose names arc preserved in the first minute book, on which this brief survey is mainly based, and who deserve more public recognition than they have had hitherto. Preliminary work began about the middle of 1912, and on September 28th a meeting was held in the office of Elias Green with the object of going into ways and means of creating a fund for the building of a Synagogue. Those present were Solomon Pechter, Elias Green, Jacob Morris, Joshua Brukarz, Michael Bernard Michelson, Joseph Esserman and Julius Opit. Woolf Ruta Cohen' apologised for his absence, but was present at succeeding meetings
The early days of the Central Synagogue
The early days of the Central Synagogue