Leopold Weissberger; Man of millions

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 2, 8 (1947)

Author(s) Sydney B. Glass AbstractWhat is known by the world of Leopold Weissberger has drawn the attention of many persons. They are dispersed now, at an interval of sixty years after his death, over many countries. The particulars here set out will no doubt interest others until the position of the various pieces of the puzzle will have become fixed. To such an end this paper will contribute, it being the first attempt to co-ordinate the data available in Australia. The suggestion, however, may well prove to be incorrect. The story of this man's fortune may continue to excite attention at recurring intervals of time over a long period ahead. For the story possesses some of the qualities of fiction of a certain engaging character. I refer to those writings which, by various devices, draw out the reader's ingenuity in an attempt to find a solution of a problem. Generations of people who delight in the works of the master, Edgar Allan Poe, and of the no less great, if not greater, imitator and pupil, Conan Doyle, and their hosts of disciples, should have little cause for complaint if the Weissberger millions are brought out at intervals (each time with a little more elaboration) by persons in quest of good copy.
Leopold Weissberger; Man of millions
Leopold Weissberger; Man of millions