Western Australian Jewry 1829-1897 Part 4 Northam

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 2, 8 (1947)

Author(s) David Benjamin AbstractThis paper has been the story of communal development in Western Australia up to the end of 1897, and no attempt has been made to include definitive biographies of the men involved or to devote attention to those few who cut themselves adrift from things Jewish. Nor has it been the aim of this survey to deal with individual Jews who contributed largely to the development of the colony in country districts, but who, through no fault of their own, were unable by reason of their isolation, to take part in the Jewish movements of the cities. Thus there are excluded from this paper the achievements of men such as M. C. Davies, who did much to put the timber industry on a sound footing; the famous millionaire Reuben, a pioneer of the North-West pearl fisheries; and Solomon Emanuel and his son Sydney, who shared-the former financially- and the latter in person-in Michael Durack's expedition to explore the Kimberleys in 1882, and in the subsequent development of the area.
Western Australian Jewry 1829-1897 Part 4 Northam
Western Australian Jewry 1829-1897 Part 4 Northam