Sir Julian Emanuel Salomons

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 2, 3 (1945)

Author A Cohen AbstractSir Julian Emanuel Salomons, Kt., K.C., was born at Edgbaston, Birmingham, England, on 4th November, 1836. He was a man of crises, for throughout his career he had to make momentous decisions, which vitally affected his future. His father was Emanuel Salomon, a merchant of Birmingham. He originally spelled his surname Solomons, as is evidenced by the spelling of his name in the York Street Synagogue records, though in the Australian Almanac for the year 1857, p. 164, his name is printed Solomon. In the earliest New South 1Vales Law Reports his name is recorded as Salamons, but after 1870 always as Salomons, which is the style uniformly used in the Government Gazettes which refer to him.
Sir Julian Emanuel Salomons
Sir Julian Emanuel Salomons