Induction of a minister. Rev I Goldreich

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 2, 3 (1945)

Author(s) AbstractOn Sunday last, the 10th instant,(10 May, 1874) the Rev. L M. Goldreich (late Minister of the Hebrew congregation at Ballarat) was installed in office as Minister of the Macquarie Street, Sydney, Synagogue. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. A. B. Davis. The elected Minister entered the Synagogue and exclaimed in the Hebrew tongue, "Open unto me the Gates of Righteousness," to which the Rev. A. B. Davis responded, "This is the gate of the Lord; none but the righteous enter." The choir then chanted the 122nd Psalm
Induction of a minister. Rev I Goldreich
Induction of a minister. Rev I Goldreich