The Jewish press of Australia

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 1, 9 (1943)

Author(s) Percy J Marks AbstractThe complete history of Judaism in Australia has yet to be compiled. Valuable articles on the subject have been written at various times dealing with particular congregations. Mr. Brodzsky has written of the founding of the two Melbourne congregations; the Rev. Mr. Boas has done the same for the Adelaide Synagogue; and the Rev. A. B. Davis, our venerable Rabbi Emeritus, and Mr. Coleman P. Hyman have dealt in more or less concise form with the history of Sydney Jewry, but no complete view comprising the whole of Australasia has yet been written. For some years past I have been collecting information about the various congregations, and have several scrap books full of useful information
The Jewish press of Australia
The Jewish press of Australia