He came knocking: Dr Michael Traub, the Shaliach from Palestine in wartime Australia

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 26, 4 (2024)

Author(s) Rodney Gouttman AbstractIn September 1941, Dr Michael Traub a veteran Shaliach or emissary for Keren Hayesod, the financial arm of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem, came to Australia on a fundraising mission. Australian troops were fighting in North Africa, and Japan was soon to join the Axis Powers to rampage in Asia/Pacific including the bombing of northern Australia. The nation feared invasion. With Australia on a war footing abroad and at home, the time did not appear promising for the Traub mission. As well, Traub’s presence was bitterly resented by a cabal of prominent Australian Jews who eschewed Zionism and were led by former Governor-General, Sir Isaac Isaacs. Despite their public sniping, the emissary continued with his mission. He was a rare voice speaking about the ongoing Nazi genocide of the Jews in Europe to an unin- formed Australian public, promoting Palestine as the rightful sanctuary for refugees, and explaining how the citizens of the Jewish homeland were enthusiastically participating in the war against the Nazis. Traub was in Australia for eighteen months, crisscrossing the continent and meeting with many prominent individuals and groups in the Jewish community and civil society before travelling to New Zealand. He was a consummate orator, linguist, broadcaster, writer, and Zionist lobbyist, who also involved himself in local Jewish affairs.
Keyword(s)Zionism;Australian history;politics;antisemitism;Jewish-Gentile relations
He came knocking: Dr Michael Traub, the Shaliach from Palestine in wartime Australia
He came knocking: Dr Michael Traub, the Shaliach from Palestine in wartime Australia