Martin Elazar, Leah Bernstein, Louis Bernstein

Elazar, Martin
Bernstein, Leah
Bernstein, Louis Date 10 December 1993 Additional Information Third Anniversary of Leonard Bernstein's Death Marked in Israel October 1993 marked the third anniversary of the passing of the great Jewish conductor, composer and pianist Leonard Bernstein - also noted as a remarkably staunch friend of Israel. Ceremonies in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv were held to mark the occasion. In Jerusalem, Mayor Teddy Kollek attended the dedication ceremony for the renaming of the square outside the Jerusalem Theatre to "The Leonard Bernstein Square". In Tel Aviv, The Orchestra Square outside the Mann Auditorium was rename "The Leonard Bernstein Plaza". Jamie Bernstein Thomas and Shirley Bernstein - daughter and sister of the maestro were guests of honour at the ceremonies. The photograph shows (left) Jamie Bernstein Thomas and (right) Shirley Bernstein - daughter and sister of the late Leonard Bernstein - unveiling a plaque at the dedication ceremony in Jerusalem of the Leonard Bernstein Square. 11/10/93 Text Jeremy Coleman; Photo: Ze'ev Ackerman; Copyright - IPPA (4833) Photo ID 495572
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