Rabbi Jacob Danglow. "The Uncrowned Monarch of Australia's Jews"

Journal article
In Journal Issue

Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 13, 1 (1995)

Author(s) Hilary Rubinstein AbstractBook Review: For over fifty years British-born Rabbi Jacob Danglow (1880-1962) was spiritual leader of the patrician and influential St. Kilda Hebrew Congregation. He was a man of considerable presence, revered by his flock and respected by gentiles, an Anglo-Jewish gentleman of the old school, a dignified ambassador of his people. He was also the focus of controversy, both in his lifetime and since, for his perceived insensitivity to the needs of European Jewish newcomers, particularly refugees from Nazism, and for his opposition to political Zionism: hence the pejorative appellation "Anglo-Danglow".
Rabbi Jacob Danglow. "The Uncrowned Monarch of Australia's Jews"
Rabbi Jacob Danglow. "The Uncrowned Monarch of Australia's Jews"