From a Ruined Garden, Second Expanded Edition: The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry
Author(s)Jack Kugekmass;Jonathan Boyarin;Zachary M Baker
Description"An indispensable sourcebook... Emphasis falls on the variegated, often joyful, culture of the Polish Jews, on what existed before the garden was ruined." ―Geoffrey Hartmann, The New Republic. "Ordinary people speak in this volume with an immediacy and poignancy that cannot help but touch the reader. . . .In this magnificent collection, the editors combine a profound ‘feel’ for the vanished world of Polish Jewry, the anthologist’s skill at selecting the telling example, and the anthropologist’s sophisticated understanding of how these testimonies should be read. A marvelous introduction to this rich literature." ―Peter Novick.
Polish Jewish survivors of the Holocaust compiled memorial books to preserve the memory of their destroyed communities. They describe daily life in the shtetl as well as everyday life during the Holocaust and the experiences of returning survivors. These memories paint a haunting picture of a way of life lost forever.
Publication Date22 July 1998
PublisherIndiana University Press
ISBN 139780250000000
ISBN 10253211875