48 object Results

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Jewish History Atlas
Jewish History Atlas
Martin Gilbert

Historical Atlas of the Jewish People, A
Historical Atlas of the Jewish People, A
Eli Barnavi;Miriam Eliav-Feldon

Guide to the YIVO Archives
Guide to the YIVO Archives
Yivo Institute For Jewish Research

Where Once We Walked
Where Once We Walked
Gary Mokotoff;Sallyann Amdur Sack

Beit Rabbanan
Beit Rabbanan
Chaim Freedman

Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy, The
Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy, The
Arthur Kurzweil (Editor);Miriam Weiner (Editor)

Germanic Genealogy
Germanic Genealogy
Edward R. Brandt;Mary Bellingham;Kermit E. Frye;Kent Cutkomp;Patricia Lowe

Guide to Jewish Genealogy in Germany and Austria, A
Guide to Jewish Genealogy in Germany and Austria, A
Thea Skyte (Editor);Randol Schoenberg (Editor);Rosemary Wenzerul (Editor);Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain Staff (Contribution by)

Immmigrants and Aliens - A Guide to Sources
Immmigrants and Aliens - A Guide to Sources
Roger Kershaw;Mark Pearsall

Jewish Genealogical Research in Israel, A Guide to
Jewish Genealogical Research in Israel, A Guide to
Israel Genealogical Society Staff;Sallyann A. Sack

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