40 Book Results

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Ancilla to Toledot Charlap
Ancilla to Toledot Charlap
Arthur F. Menton (Contribution by)

Anyos Munchos i Buenos : Turkey's Sephardim 1492-1992
Ayse Gursan-Salzmann & Laurence Salzmann

Aspects of Scottish Jewry
Aspects of Scottish Jewry
Dr Kenneth Collins;Editor

Book of Destiny, The
Book of Destiny, The
Arthur F. Menton

Founders and followers: Johannesburg Jewry, 1887-1915
Founders and followers: Johannesburg Jewry, 1887-1915
Mendel Kaplan & Marian Robertson;Editors

Hebrew, Israelite, Jew - The History of the Jews of Western Australia
Hebrew, Israelite, Jew - The History of the Jews of Western Australia
David Mossenson;Louise Hoffman (Contribution by)

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland
History of the Jews in Russia and Poland
Simon Dubnow;Israel Friedlaender

Jewish Denver, 1859-1940
Jewish Denver, 1859-1940
Jeanne E. Abrams

Jewish EastEnders
Jewish EastEnders
Michael Shapiro

Jews in Bristol
Jews in Bristol
Judith Samuel

Jews of Devon and Cornwall, The
Jews of Devon and Cornwall, The
Evelyn Friedlander;Helen P. Fry

Jews of Kopcheve
Jews of Kopcheve
Dorothy Leivers

Lost Jews of Cornwall, The
Lost Jews of Cornwall, The
Helen P. Fry (Editor);Keith Pearce;Godfrey Simmons

Road to Victory
Road to Victory
Dorothy Leivers (Editor)

Scotland's Jews
Scotland's Jews
Kenneth E. Collins

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