Australian Jewish Historical Society: Chronicling the Jewish Experience in Australia since 1788
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Address book of Jewish immigrants in Shanghai/ Emigranten Adressbuch fuer Shangha
Ancilla to Toledot Charlap
Arthur F. Menton (Contribution by)
Annihilation of Lithuanian Jewry
Efraim Oshry
Anyos Munchos i Buenos : Turkey's Sephardim 1492-1992
Ayse Gursan-Salzmann & Laurence Salzmann
Australia and the Holocaust 1933-1945
Paul R. Bartrop
Bevis Marks Records Part IV (1679-1775)
Miriam Rodrigues-Pereira
Bevis Marks Records Part V (1707-1881)
Miriam Rodrigues-Pereira
Bevis Marks Records Part VI (1733-1918)
Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation of London
Biographical Dictionary of Canadian Jewry 1909-1914: From the Canadian Jewish Times, A
Birth & Death Certificates England & Wales 1837-1969
Barbara Dixon
Birth, Death and marriage Announcements in the Sydney Mail 1864
George Turnbull; National Library of Australia Dick
Book of Destiny, The
Arthur F. Menton
Citadel of Splendor - The 500 year Legacy of Jewish Sulzburg
Bezalel Kahn
Cohen and the Levy Families in England and Australia 1660-1990, The
Pamela Brunel Cohen
Cousins: Descendants of Solomon and Caroline Philips, The
A.S. Ellis
Cross and the Pear Tree: A Sephardic Journey, The
Victor Perera
Dating Family Photos 1850-1920
Lenore Frost
De Begraafenboeken van Zeeberg | The Burial Books of Zeeburg
Jits van Straten
Deaths at the Coast Hospital and Burials at Little Bay 1881-1952
Joseph Waugh
Dictionary of English Surnames, A
P. H. Reaney;R. M. Wilson
Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Kingdom of Poland, A
Alexander Beider
Die Judischen Friedhofe in Berlin - The Jewish Cemeteries in Berlin
Etzold Alfred et al
Die Judischen Friedhofe Jebenhausen Und Goppingen - Jewish Cemetery in Jebenhausen & Goppingen
Bamberger, Naftali Bar-Giora
Early Australian Zionism: An Annotated Index of Records in the Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem
Marianne Dacy
Edge of the Diaspora: Two Centuries of Jewish Settlement in Australia (2nd ed.)
Suzanne D. Rutland
Eliyahu's Branches: The Descendants of the Vilna Gaon (Of Blessed and Saintly Memory) and His Family
Chaim Freedman
Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy, The
Arthur Kurzweil (Editor);Miriam Weiner (Editor)
Edward Isaacs
Epitaphs & symbols of Jewish cemeteries in Tarnow (in Polish)
Hondo, Leszek
Esnoga: A monument to Portuguese-Jewish culture, The
Judith C.E Belinfante;et al
Eternal Question: A Collection of Poems, The
Eisig Friedman
Family Trees Held by Australia Jewish Historical Society Victoria
Australian Jewish Historical Society
Far From The Promised Land: Being Jewish in New Zealand
Ann; Levine Beaglehole
Far From Where? Jewish Journeys from Shanghai to Australia
Antonia Finnane
Finding Your Jewish Roots in Galicia
Suzan F. Wynne
Five Hundred Names and Places of Shoalhaven
Alan Clark
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